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RMS Energy offers a full range of comprehensive bus duct system solutions that ensure peak operating efficiency on your power system. Our bus solutions include everything from bus installations to modifications, repairs, transformer/GCB retrofits, inspections, testing, cleaning and more.


Our bus services span the entire landscape of electrical needs. RMS Energy bus duct electrical services are carried out by skilled, experienced and reliable technicians who are knowledgeable about a wide range of bus duct manufacturers, systems and services.​


  • Greenfield installation

  • Bus modifications/retrofits

  • Transformer retrofits

  • Generator switchgear retrofits

  • Inspection, maintenance and repairs

  • Parts supply

  • Design engineering and studies


IR Inspection

Thermography can be performed to locate any potential heating issues and circulating ground currents in your bus duct system.


Visual Inspection

Visual inspection of the bus system exterior is performed to determine general condition and locate areas of concern for future inspection.


General Condition Assessment (Level 1)

A condition assessment inspection is a minimally invasive inspection used to follow up online testing if no major areas of concern are found.


Offline Inspection & Maintenance (Level 2)

During a full offline inspection, all accessible interior and exterior areas of the bus are inspected and primary components cleaned by hand, including insulators, flexible braids

and bushings.


Cryogenic Cleaning (Level 3)

If a significant buildup of debris and contamination is expected or carbon from arcing is present, cryogenic cleaning can be performed to thoroughly clean the interior of the bus.

Bus duct system installation from RMS Energy
RMS Energy installing a bus duct system
RMS Energy installing electrical bus duct system at power facility.
RMS Energy installing a bus duct system for a power facility
RMS Energy installing electrical bus duct


If concerns are uncovered during bus duct testing, inspection and/or bus duct maintenance, RMS Energy can develop an engineered solution to mitigate the problems to improve the condition of the bus duct system and extend the serviceable life.


Upgrades to retrofit new technology into an aging system can provide better reliability for the future without a complete replacement.


Contact RMS Energy for more information on scheduling bus duct testing and commissioning, bus duct maintenance or any other services for your bus duct system.

Expert bus duct system installation from RMS Energy
RMS Energy provides thermal scan of isophase bus duct system

Thermal scan of IPBD system

Corrosion damage on bus duct system braiding repaired by RMS Energy
Cracked insulator repair job from RMS Energy
Isophase bus installation

Corrosion damage

Cracked insulator

Isophase bus installation staging

Non seg bus duct system installation from RMS Energy
Water intrusion in bus system at a power facility repaired by RMS Energy
Evidence of partial discharge found by RMS Energy

Non-seg installation 

Water intrusion 

Partial discharge

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